Calculate Your Highest Benefits

Calculate Your Highest Social Security Benefits
Avoid Clawbacks — Maximize My Social Security® can also be used to confirm your existing benefit amounts
  • Correct decisions can mean tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars
  • State-of-the-art software helps you choose the right benefits at the right time
  • Explore the impact of future Social Security benefit cuts
  • Comprehensive and Powerful — All Cases, Benefits, Rules & Provisions
  • Developed by Laurence Kotlikoff, Boston University Professor of Economics
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
Get What's Yours!
Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited "what-ifs" with break-even date
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

New York Times logo

“Shows you the best time to begin collecting benefits.”
Wall Street Journal logo

“Maximize My Social Security is one of the two best Social Security tools. It takes into account the widest variety of household configurations."
The Dallas Morning News logo

“This calculator takes the guess out of when to take Social Security benefits.”
Comprehensive and Powerful. All Cases, Benefits, Rules & Provisions.
Shows you when & how to file to achieve the highest lifetime benefits.
Lets you explore the impact of future Social Security benefit cuts.
Fully Compliant with all Laws:
Social Security Fairness Act of 2025, Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, Guidance on Deeming Rules, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Considers All Major Social Security Benefits

  • Retirement Insurance Benefits
  • Spouse’s Insurance Benefits
  • Divorced Spouse’s Insurance Benefits
  • Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits
  • Child In-Care Spouse’s Insurance Benefits
  • Widow(er)’s Insurance Benefits
  • Divorced Widow(er)’s Insurance Benefits
  • Child’s Insurance Benefits
  • Childhood Disability Benefits
  • Surviving Child’s Insurance Benefits
  • Father’s and Mother’s Insurance Benefits

Covers All Major Social Security Benefits Rules

  • New Social Security law and grandfathering rules
  • Early benefit reductions
  • Delayed retirement credits
  • The earnings test
  • Adjustment of the reduction factor
  • Re-computation of benefits
  • Option to suspend and reinstate retirement benefits
  • Family maximum
  • Combined family maximum
  • Disabled family benefit maximum
  • RIB LIM on widow(er) benefits when deceased spouse claimed early
  • Restricted application and deeming rules
  • Alternate widow(er)’s benefits when the deceased spouse died before age 62
  • Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), which are not applied by default, but you can run with these provisions enabled for purposes of comparison

Developed by Social Security Expert Laurence Kotlikoff

“Deciding which Social Security benefits to take and when to take them is one of the most important and complex decisions you must make.

My colleagues and I have developed path-breaking and widely acclaimed software tools to dramatically improve personal financial planning.

It is the nation's premier tool for maximizing your lifetime Social Security benefits.”

Photo of Economic Security Planning Inc president and Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff

Laurence Kotlikoff
President Economic Security Planning, Inc.

B.A. Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D. Economics, Harvard University
William Fairfield Warren Professor of Economics, Boston University

New York Times Bestselling Author

Learn more about our story

Photo of book cover for Get What's Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security

Customers Love our Software!

"I love this program and would not have known about spousal benefits for spouses with young children without it."

Bob Poole
Social Worker (retired),
Sebastopol, CA
"I love the detailed yet succinct reports that the program provides for me to present to my clients. The customer service is excellent. They respond quickly to inquiries."

Laura Scharr-Bykowsky CFP®, MBA, Principal,
Ascend Financial Planning, LLC
"I really, really like MAXIMIZE MY SOCIAL SECURITY as I was trying to do all of these calculations with a spreadsheet before I found you last year! Your team feels like friends!"

James Tannura
The Radian Group I, Inc.,
Shorewood, IL
The Nation's Leading Social Security Maximization Software
Above the Hood
Easy-to-Use Social Security Calculator
Below the Hood
Powerful, state-of-the-art software.
Handles all Social Security benefits for ALL households
Excellent customer support.
Professional and responsive.
Online software for PC and Macs.
No download required.
Try your own "what-if" dates.
Compare lifetime benefits and see when you break even.
Same powerful features for households and financial advisors
Financial advisors have special custom branded reports
Safe and Secure—NO Social Security numbers or names needed
We follow best practices in the financial software industry to keep your data safe and secure.