Ask Larry

Is There Anything I Can Do To Get Help?

I am 70 and I draw my Social Security. I also am covered by Medicare. With expenses of rent, utilities, medications, etc., I hardly have any money for food each month. Is there anything I can possibly do to help my situation? I live in Texas and it is not a very liberal state. As many "baby boomers", I worked all my life. I live alone and do not like asking for assistance but I have to do something. I am a diabetic and it is hard to eat the kind of food that I need to keep healthy. Right now I am just happy to have something to eat! I sure hope that you can help with some useful information. I have cut everything down to the bone...cut off TV cable, my AC is at 84 and it is very hot in Texas. I sleep in my 1 bedroom with a small AC unit so I can sleep at night. Don't go anywhere except my doctor checkups and grocery store. Would very much appreciate hearing from you. If there is anything that I can apply for online, please send address. Thanks so much.


Hi Lane,

I'm sorry to hear about the problems that you are having. Unfortunately, Social Security is my only area of expertise so I can't give you much advice. It sounds like you are probably already drawing all of the Social Security benefits for which you are eligible, but you don't mention your marital history so I have no way of knowing whether or not you may be eligible for additional benefits.

I have no knowledge of what types of public assistance programs may be available in your area, but most places are served by a state Department of Social Services. If you haven't already done so, you'll probably want to check with them to see if you qualify for any type of help.

Best, Jerry

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