Ask Larry

Is There Any Help From VA For My Support?

My husband is 43 and 20 yr retired navy veteran .He is at 50% disabled and going up in next few months . He cannot work due to ptsd .I was recieving ssi in amout of 647 but it is now taken because we married. He makes 2728 per month we have 3 minor children .I am 100% disabled .I am 49 will be 50 in dec .Is there any help through VA for my support . Child support is taken out of his retirement leaving us with 866 dollars and 1058 in disabilityafter deduction and everything we take in 1600 amonth net pay ...losing my ssi really hurt . I have MS. I always have been a at home mom so i have no credits for ssdi .He has applied for social security ssdi but its pending


I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise so I can't answer your question about VA benefits.

However, if your husband is approved for Social Security disability benefits, it sounds like you may qualify for child in care spousal benefits from Social Security.

Best, Jerry

Jul 6 2017 - 7:07am
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