Ask Larry

Earnings Subject To Social Security Taxes

What Am I Missing?

Hello Larry,
I have been dancing between the IRS and the Social Security Administration going on two years now with no answers. Maybe you can shed some light on things for me...things I have zero knowledge of.

Friday, November 11, 2022 - 14:30

Is It Correct That I Am Continuing To Pay Social Security And Medicare Taxes On My Earnings?

I start ss at full retirement but I continue to work I pay for Medicare thru my ss benefit.on my pay stub I pay Medicare and SS this correct.

Hi. Yes. Even after you start drawing Social Security retirement benefits and/or start Medicare coverage, you must continue to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes on any covered earnings that you produce.

Best, Jerry

Saturday, August 6, 2022 - 13:08

How Can My Mother Update Her Records And Get Full Benefits?

My mother was recently notified that she doesn’t have enough work credits to get full retirement. How can she update the records and obtain her full benefits even though she doesn’t have checks stubs or the W2’?

Hi. The only way to get missing earnings added to your Social Security earnings record is by submitting acceptable evidence to Social Security. The evidence must show the amount of earnings and the amount of Social Security taxes withheld or paid on those earnings.

Monday, August 1, 2022 - 07:33

How Can My Wife Earn Social Security Credits?

I am a naturalized senior citizen self-employed as a consultant with a registered sole proprietorship. I pay self-employment social security taxes that earn me quarterly credits. How can my wife who is also qualified in my field and helping in my work become eligible to earn social security credits? We file under MFJ, but I have not paid her separately for services. Thank you.

Thursday, April 7, 2022 - 20:05

Shouldn't My Award For Lost Earnings Be Posted On My SSA Earnings Record?

I received an award for lost earnings due to an injury that permanently disabled me.
The lost earnings portion of my award were offset by the SS and Fed and State Taxes.

I have petitioned the SSA to include my lost earnings award on my SSA earnings record.
They recently sent me a letter and denied my request, stating "no actual earnings were paid to you"
and they claim that "no taxes were ever paid to any government entity."

Friday, March 18, 2022 - 20:30

Who Is Responsible For Reporting My 2021 Earnings To Social Security?

still working full time wanting to know who is responsible for reporting my 2021 earnings to the social security. thanks david

Hi David. If you work for wages, then your employer is responsible for reporting your Social Security covered earnings to Social Security. However, if you're self-employed or an independent contractor, then you are responsible for reporting your earnings on Schedule SE of your tax return. The IRS then forwards that information to Social Security.

Best, Jerry

Friday, February 18, 2022 - 13:18
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