Ask Larry

Is My Grandmother Eligible For Her Deceased Husband's Social Security?

My grandmother wants to know if she will draw her deceased husbands social security? She is 91 years old and her medicare supplement is $384.00. She also wants to know if she will draw his retirement check from John Hancock? His monthly retirement check from John Hancock was $166.00. She only draws $92.00 a month from John Hancock.


I don't know whether or not your grandmother is eligible for survivor benefits from John Hancock, but if she is it won't affect her Social Security benefits.

I don't know enough about your grandmother's situation to properly answer your question about whether or not she will receive her deceased husband's Social Security benefit. The surviving member of a couple is generally eligible for the higher of their 2 benefit rates, but not both. Your grandmother should probably check with Social Security to see if she is eligible for any additional benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jul 30 2017 - 7:52am
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